Create Reports

To generate a report of message results and responses, navigate to the Reports page the follow the steps below:

  1. Select a Message Type: select the type of message to generate the report on. Voice is selected by default.

  2. Select a message group or choose All messages.

  3. Select if you’d like to see reports based on message date or appointment date.

  4. Date Range: Select a beginning and ending date.

  5. Select a Clinic. All clinics are selected by default.

  6. Select Generate Report: This will create the report based on the parameters set.

After the report is generated, view the total results and status of specific messages.

Chat Report

The Chat message reports only conversational texts sent to or from contacts (not group messages or automated messages)

  1. Check “incoming messages” to include incoming messages.

  2. Select a specific or all users outgoing messages.

  3. Select a date range for your report.

  4. Search for conversations by a specific contact.

  5. Change the report columns.

  6. Select Generate the Report to view your message history
    which can be exported to csv.


After the report is generated, view the total results and status of specific messages.

chat results.png